Bark Chippings Play Area

Bark chippings are a popular choice for play areas, offering both safety and aesthetic benefits. They provide a natural appearance that blends seamlessly with outdoor environments, creating an inviting space for children. Beyond their visual appeal, bark chippings serve a crucial function in cushioning falls, thereby reducing the risk of injuries.

In the United Kingdom, it’s essential to use play-grade bark chippings that comply with safety standards such as BS EN 1176. These standards ensure that the materials used are appropriate for playgrounds, providing adequate impact absorption. Typically, a layer depth of 300mm is recommended to achieve optimal safety performance.

Maintenance of bark chipping surfaces involves regular inspections to ensure the material remains evenly spread and at the correct depth. Over time, the chippings may decompose or become compacted, necessitating periodic top-ups to maintain their protective qualities. Additionally, routine checks help identify and remove any debris or foreign objects, keeping the play area safe and clean.

Incorporating bark chippings into play areas not only enhances their natural beauty but also provides a safer environment for children to enjoy outdoor activities. By adhering to recommended safety standards and performing regular maintenance, these spaces can remain both attractive and secure.

Pine Bark Nuggets

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15-60mm Bark Nuggets

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Play Area Bark & Woodchips

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Decorative Bark

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Composted Bark Fines

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Fine Composted Bark

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15-60mm Pine Play Area Bark

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8-40mm Play Area Bark

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15-65mm Bark Nuggets

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3/4 inch Ornamental Bark

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10-60mm Commercial Bark

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5-75mm Amenity Bark

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Fine Composted Bark

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8-35mm Contract Ornamental Bark

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Bark & Woodchips

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