Fine Composted Bark2025-02-18T10:14:08+00:00

AHS Paving Grid
The Solution to High Traffic Areas

As Autumn turns to Winter, the good old British weather normally brings with it a torrent of rain, which turns grass to mud and pathways into small lakes!

This is the time of year to let us help you endure the season with our 100% recycled and recyclable AHS Paving Grid. It is perfect for high traffic areas and pathways, and for agricultural applications for heavy machinery.

As well as being 100% recycled, our AHS Paving Grid is a durable, permeable, alternative surface for paving, walkways, car parks, cycle routes, verge stabilisation, private driveways, emergency access routes and even landing strips.

Paving grid helps in areas prone to flooding. As over 90% of the surface area is open, it allows the water to soak back into the water table, rather than washing away as would normally be the case with asphalt or concrete.

Its simple ‘click together and fill’ system makes light work of what would usually have taken a few days. Simply prepare the surface areas, lay the paving grid and fill it with gravel or sow grass seed into soil, for a more natural finish.

See our Paving Grid Installation Guide to learn just how quick and easy it is to lay AHS Paving Grid.

So, whether your driveway is prone to flooding or you need a temporary car park for an event, avoid the mess this winter and contact our sales team for further information.

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