Planed and bevelled sleepers, also referred to as planed all round (PAR), are virtually splinter free.
The perfect choice for using in children’s play areas and schools, while also suitable for parks and public landscaping. Due to their smoother finish, planed and bevelled sleepers are also ideal for creating outdoor seating and furniture.

Soft Landscaping
Whether your project is a small urban space or a large country estate, here at AHS Ltd we have everything you need to help complete your scheme.
Soft landscaping refers to the living part of a garden, with which our products help to “dress” the areas once the hard landscaping has been completed. You can turn an unloved area into an oasis of peace and serenity.
Our wildflower seed mixes are ideal to help bring wildlife to spaces that might otherwise be barren of insects and bees. These in turn help to pollinate flower borders and beds.
Our Heart of Eden range can be used throughout the garden for planting, potting on and to finish borders with decorative bark.
These are just a few of our products to help with soft landscaping spaces. See our full range for inspiration and further information.
Please contact our sales team for advice with your next garden design.