Erosion Grid System S60s
- Dimension: 60.5 x 40.5 cm
- Cell wall height: 4 cm
- Cell wall thickness: 3 mm
- Cell Size — 15 cells: 120mm x 120mm (in one piece)
- Anchor pockets: 5
- Sheet size: 4 pieces
- Weight: 0.80 kg / pc. 3.20 kg / sqm
- Material: 100% recycling
- Colour: Shades of black
- Dimension stability: +/- 3% (-30°C do +50°C)
- Durability: More than 14 years
- Biologically active surface: Cells 90%; Plastic: 10%
- Weight bearing capacity: 100 tonnes / sqm (without filling)
- Maximum axle load: 120 kN.

G4 25mm
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G4 30mm
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit
• Amet, consectetur
• Adipiscing elit, sed do
• Eiusmod tempor
• incididunt ut labore
• Et dolore magna
• Aliqua. Ut enim ad
• Minim veniam, quis
• Nostrud exercitation
• Ullamco laboris nisi ut

G4 40mm
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit
• Amet, consectetur
• Adipiscing elit, sed do
• Eiusmod tempor
• incididunt ut labore
• Et dolore magna
• Aliqua. Ut enim ad
• Minim veniam, quis
• Nostrud exercitation
• Ullamco laboris nisi ut

Car Park Marks
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit
• Amet, consectetur
• Adipiscing elit, sed do
• Eiusmod tempor
• incididunt ut labore
• Et dolore magna
• Aliqua. Ut enim ad
• Minim veniam, quis
• Nostrud exercitation
• Ullamco laboris nisi ut
Installation Guide

The existing subsoil/base (F) should first be tested to determine strength and permeability. Excavate/level the subsoil/base in preparation for the laying procedure as detailed below.
Cover the subsoil with a layer of Geotextile Membrane (E).
Apply an open grade sub-base (D). Drainage may be required if subsoil has poor permeability. The depth of this sub-base will depend on the strength and permeability of the existing subsoil. For the purpose of these installation guidelines, we have assumed a CBR strength of the subsoil of 2-4, which requires a sub-base depth of 150-225mm. If the strength of the subsoil is deemed to be lower than this, the depth of the sub-base will need to be increased accordingly. It is essential that the sub-base is compacted with a vibrating roller or vibrating plate.
Apply a bedding layer of 50-70mm (C) of 60-40 or 70-30 root zone. The bedding layer must be compacted.
Apply AHS Paving Grid (B). Fill the grid with more of the root zone, to within 3mm of the surface of the grid. Do not overfill the paving cells.
A vibrating plate can then be used to firm the grid and root zone infill.
The area can now be seeded and watered. Do not overfill the paving cells.
The seeded area can be driven on immediately. However, we strongly recommend that you allow time for root establishment before using it. Watering is essential during the early days/weeks of establishment, especially during times of exceptionally hot weather.
Edging and/or kerbing should be used with AHS Paving Grid to prevent lateral movement and ensure the grid is able to withstand pressure from vehicular and pedestrian use. 10 Maximum recommended gradient for vehicular use is 11°.
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FSC Re-Certification
AHS have recently completed an FSC audit and are proud to announce this prestigious award has been renewed for another year.
ISO Re-Certification
AHS are delighted to announce they have achieved re-certification of both ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 after recent audits.
Happy New Year from all of us at AHS
Our new 2022 brochure is now available to download as a flipbook or PDF.
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